Contact details

Tenancy law • Real estate

Renée Janus started her career in 2008 at a large lawfirm in Amsterdam, where she was involved in commercial real estate. After a number of years as a lawyer, Renée took on a more commercial position. In 2018, Renée switched back again to advocacy.

Due to her legal and commercial background, she is well able to respond to the wishes of the client, while not losing sight of the important commercial interests of a company.

Renée focuses on commercial real estate in a broad sense and more specifically on tenancy law. Her clients are both governments and commercial real estate parties, such as municipalities, tenants, landlords, entrepreneurs, real estate agents and investors.

Renée studied Dutch Law in Groningen, where she completed her master’s degree in 2008. She was sworn in as a lawyer in 2008.

In 2015-2016, Renée completed the postgraduate course ‘Foundations of Management’ at Nyenrode University.